[초대] COVID-19 채무관리 웨비나 시리즈: 제2회-세금 정책과 채무 관리의 연관성 (6.7.월)

아프리카개발은행은 'COVID-19 채무관리 웨비나 시리즈: 제2회-세금 정책과 채무 관리의 연관성(Webinar Series on Debt Management in the Context of COVID-19 - 2nd Webinar: Exploring the Link Between Tax Policies and Debt Management)'을 개최합니다.
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● 일시: 2021. 6.7. (월), 18:00-19:30 pm 한국시간 / 9:00-10:30 am GMT
● 언어: 영어, 불어
● 주최: 아프리카개발은행
● 참가등록
● 보도자료
● 프로그램
Opening Remarks: - Mr. Abdoulaye Coulibaly, Director of the Governance Department, African Development Bank
Presenter: - Dr. Nara Monkam, Director of Research, the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF)
- Ms. Alexandra Readhead, Lead, Tax and Extractives, IGF/IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
Moderator: - Ms. Vanessa Ushie, Manager, African Natural Resources Center, African Development Bank
Panelists: - Mr. Penda Ithindi, Economic Advisor to Hon Minister of Finance of Namibia (TBD)
- M. Philippe K. Tchodie, Commissaire Général, OTR, Togolese Revenue Authority
Closing Remarks: - Ms. Leila Mokaddem, Director General of Southern Africa Region, African Development Bank